Master of Science (Cyber Security)

Program Info (  Eligibility Criteria  )
Program Mission

Mission of the Master of Science (Cyber Security) program is to develop knowledgeable professionals with the skills to detect, respond to and prevent cyber-attacks in organizations and protect national security. With a graduate degree in cyber security, you will build a comprehensive and strong foundation in the technical skills you need to keep your organization’s computer systems, networks and data safe, secure and private. The program has been designed to prepare students with both theoretical and practical knowledge and enhance their research skills in these emerging areas.

Career Opportunities

This program prepares students to meet challenges posed by a highly inter – connected world. Mobile Computing, Sensor Networks and other emerging technologies require a thorough understanding of related technologies. This program provides understanding and exposure to the latest trends and technologies in this flied.

Award of Degree

For the award of Master of Science (Cyber Security) degree, a student must have:

  • Passed courses totalling at least 30 credit hours, including core courses
  • Earned CGPA of at least 2.50
Tentative Study Plan
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 1
1 CS5001 Research Methodology 3+0
2 Core Course-I 3+0
3 Core Course-II 3+0
4 Applied Programming 1 NC
Total 9 + 0
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 2
1 Core Course-III 3+0
2 Elective-I 3+0
3 Elective-II 3+0
Total 9 + 0
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 3
1 Elective-III 3+0
2 MS Thesis-I/MS Project-I 0+3
Total 3 + 3
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 4
1 Elective-IV 3+0
2 MS Thesis-II/MS Project-II 0+3
Total 3 + 3

Core Courses:

  • CYxxxx Applied Information Security
  • CYxxxx Advanced Network Security
  • CYxxxx Secure Systems Design

Deficiency Courses: (For interdisciplinary admissions, following (undergraduate level) deficiency courses may be considered:)

  • CYxxxx Introduction to Cyber Security
  • CYxxxx Computer Networks
  • CYxxxx Software engineering

Note 1: Applied Programming is an NC course, which must be cleared during the first semester. The course may be exempted based on good performance in admission test.

Note 2: Registration in "Thesis-I/Project-I" is allowed provided the student has:

  • Earned at least 15 credits
  • Passed the "Research Methodology" course   AND
  • CGPA is equal to or more than 2.50

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

  1. To equip students so that they able to play an effective role in international efforts to make the cyberspace safe, secure and reliable for the national and international community.
  2. Prepare student to learn the technical aspects of information security by understanding current threats and vulnerabilities and examining ways of developing effective countermeasures.
  3. To produce skilled people who are able to contribute towards need of protecting national information infrastructure from all kinds of threats.
  4. Prepare students who can understand to implications of handling data in terms of data security.
  5. Students shell have the ability to make effective oral and Witten presentations on technical topics.