Bachelor of Science (Computer Engineering)

Program Info (  Eligibility Criteria  )
Program Mission

The mission of the Department of Computer Engineering is: To prepare competent Computer Engineering graduates conscious of professional ethical and social responsibilities for productive engineering careers in industry academia and research both locally and abroad.

Career Opportunities

This versatile degree opens careers in different areas of Electrical Engineering. You could pursue a career in telecom industry, electronics, and power sector or in embedded system design and software programming.

Award of Degree

For the award of Bachelor of Science (Computer Engineering) degree, a student must have:

  • Passed courses totalling at least 136 credit hours, including all those courses which have been specified as Core courses.
  • Obtained a CGPA of at least 2.00
Tentative Study Plan
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 1
1 CS1009 Applications of ICT 2+1
2 MT1001 Applied Calculus 3+0
3 NS1007 Applied Physics 2+1
4 ME1001 Engineering Drawing 0+1
5 SS1007 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2+0
6 SS1005 English Language Skills 3+0
7 MG1008 Occupational Health and Safety 1+0
Total 13 + 3
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 2
1 EE1001 Linear Circuit Analysis 3+1
2 CS1002 Programming Fundamentals 3+1
3 EL1006 Engineering Workshop 0+1
4 SS1013 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2+0
5 MT1009 Linear Algebra and Differential Equation 4+0
6 SS3002 Civics and Community Engagement 2+0
Total 14 + 3
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 3
1 CS1004 Object Oriented Programming 3+1
2 EE1004 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3+1
3 EE2004 Electrical Network Analysis 3+1
4 CS1005 Discrete Structures 3+0
5 MT2003 Complex Variables and Transforms 3+0
Total 15 + 3
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 4
1 CS2002 Data Structures and Algorithms 3+1
2 EE2008 Signals and Systems 3+1
3 EE1005 Digital Logic Design 3+1
4 MT2005 Probability and Statistics 3+0
5 xxxxx Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Elective-I 3+0
Total 15 + 3
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 5
1 EE2003 Computer Organization & Assembly Language 3+1
2 EE3031 Digital Signal Processing 3+0
3 EE2007 Data Communication & Networks 3+1
4 CS3009 Software Engineering 3+0
5 CS2008 Numerical Computing 3+0
Total 15 + 2
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 6
1 EE3002 Microprocessor Interfacing and Programming 3+1
2 CS2005 Database Systems 3+1
3 CS2006 Operating Systems 3+1
4 MG2002 Engineering Economics 2+0
5 xxxx Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Elective-II 3+0
Total 14 + 3
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 7
1 EE4091 Final Year Project - I 3+0
2 EE3033 Digital Design 3+1
3 SS1005 Technical Communication Skills 2+0
4 MG3036 Engineering Management 2+0
5 CS4001 Professional Issues in IT 3+0
6 EExxxx Computer Engineering Elective-I 3+0
Total 16 + 1
Sr. No Course Name Crdt Hrs.
Semester 8
1 EE4092 Final Year Project - II 3+0
2 SS2013 Entrepreneurship 2+0
3 SS2007 Technical and Business Writing 3+0
4 EExxxx Computer Engineering Elective-II 3+0
5 EExxxx Computer Engineering Elective-III 3+1
Total 14 + 1

Computer Engineering Depth Electives (CEDE):

  • Cloud and Distributed Computing
  • Internet of Things
  • Embedded System Design
  • Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Image Processing and Analysis
  • System and Network Security
  • System Programming
  • High Performance Computing
  • Control Engineering
  • Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • Hardware design for DSP and ML

Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Electives (MDEE):

  • Human Computer Interaction (UI/UX)
  • Block Chain Technologies and Applications
  • Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
  • Robotics and Automation
  • Mobile Application/Game Development
  • Virtual Reality
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Instrumentation and Controls
  • VLSI System Design
  • Data warehousing and Big Data
  • GIS and Remote Sensing
Domain Cr. Hrs
Computing 18
Computer Engineering 60
Other Engineering 20
Management Sciences 7
Natural Sciences 16
Humanities 14
Total 135

Note 1: Total: 135

Note 2: Registration in “Project-I” is allowed provided the student has earned at least 95 credit hours, and his/her CGPA is equal to or greater than the graduating CGPA (2.0).

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

    The following Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) describe what the graduates of the computer engineering program are expected to achieve within a few years after graduation:
  1. PEO1 Creativity: Apply cutting-edge engineering practices to develop sustainable solutions for complex engineering problems, considering the constraints of limited resources.
  2. PEO2 Conduct: Uphold a responsible, professional, and ethical conduct with interpersonal skills.
  3. PEO3 Leadership: Emerge as team leaders in their domain of expertise and in activities that support service and economic development, nationally and throughout the world.
  4. PEO4 Versatility: Practice computer engineering in a broad range of industries in a multicultural environment and adapt to embrace new technologies.